Imagine my surprise one day when I logged into Twitter and happened to come across an active account for this tattooed beauty. Glory Foxxx has some distinctive body art, and was definitely one of my favorite BBW performers before she seemed to vanish. Retired. Gone in a flash, the method of disappearance that happens with lots of adult industry performers.Well, it looks like that retirement is over, and as a recently released scene on Plumper Pass demonstrates, Glory Foxxx has returned to the game. This week, she took some time out to answer my burning questions.
Glory Foxxx
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Website: (currently under construction)
Follow her on Twitter: @gloryfoxxx
Website: (currently under construction)
Follow her on Twitter: @gloryfoxxx
How did you get into the business? What led you into doing this, and what was your entry point (print modeling, straight into video, web modeling)?
It all got started when I was discovered on myspace as my everyday self. Was asked if I was interested in doing some pics for a website. I did it and really liked it as well as got a great response from it. From there I went into doing films. As I did films I have done websites and print as well.
Was it a difficult decision, deciding the enter the industry? Do you have any regrets about choosing this path?
The decision was very easy for me. I'm naturally an exhibitionist/attention whore. For me it was a win/win; I got to be who I am and get paid for it.
If you could change one thing about the industry (either overall, or specifically with regards to the BBW side of things), what would it be?
The industry itself is fine to an extent. Maybe if models were paid a little bit more for what specific things they are doing; that would be great. If anything there should be more BBW films that worship BBWs not so much as degrade them. Films such as "Pigs in a Blanket" don't exactly show the beauty of BBW.
What is your definition of a fan? What obligations do fans have in supporting performers/the industry overall?
A fan is a person who admires and supports the artist's work. I feel without the fans there is no "us". I wouldn't have a career if I didn't have fans. The obligations fans have is to continue to show support—whether it's buying our work or just sending encouraging words. If you don't show support I cease to exist; simple as that. Directors and the such will not hire a model if there is no demand for her. If she's not getting work how can the fan continue to enjoy? See it's simple. It also helps when you leave comments when you can so the directors can see. or send the webmaster emails saying how much you like so and so.
However there are fans who take advantage of us starlettes. They ask for free things or steal our vids and pics and post them for other people to download for free. THAT IN NO WAY IS SHOWING SUPPORT!! DO YOU WORK FOR FREE??!!! WELL NEITHER DO WE!
As a model myself I have no problem handing out a free pic every now and then. But it is highly offensive when fans take advantage of us. They expect everything for nothing. Those are not fans! They are just assholes!
If you could offer some words of advice to those trying to break into the industry, what would they be?
Be kind and hustle as much as possible! I got to where I am because I hustled my ass off. I was always humble (not so much I let people walk all over me but just humble), was on time, as flexible as possible, kept my demands list very short, never intoxicated or under the influence of anything, and I left my drama and male partners at home! I always came prepared and always showed up. This is your job so treat it as such! Directors hate drama queens and flakes.
Trust me I am friends with a few and they love to talk shit about models who are unprofessional; and will not only never hire them again but they will tell other directors too not to hire them..and that will guarantee you a short career or if a career at all! I swear on my career; everyone talks!
Interpret this question how you want, but what excites you? What makes you feel good inside?
Knowing I fulfill fantasies. I turn guys on and I make them feel good. That excites me. I get excited knowing I am part of someones life. I have many fans tell me how they followed me for years. That excites me!
What are your hobbies outside of work? How do you like to unwind?
I love to go horse back riding. That is a huge stress reliever for me besides sex LOL. I ride a few times a week, and currently training in English Dressage. I ride Western when I am on trails. I love going to the beach too, and yes I wear bikinis! The smaller the better!! I like to throw back a few beers or whiskey and belt out some karaoke. I love museums (Yeah, I'm actually super smart!) and seeing historical landmarks. I also just love to chill out in bed and watch movies all day. I love to travel and try new food too! Last but not least I love yoga!
Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? Still performing? Serving as a producer/director? Being an agent? Advocacy? Or outside of the industry?
I see myself as a brand..More than a performer, and maybe even a mentor to new models
How would you like to be remembered?
As a Gorgeous Bombshell Sex Goddess..I want to be remembered as a Legend!

Another sexy, sultry, tantalizingly-teasing dance video! The Princess bounces, sways, shakes and shudders as she dances along to "Feed Me Diamonds" by MNDR, letting her belly and booty jiggle and shake with those amazing hips of hers! The Plump Princess Clips Store