Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Lust List, Winter 2014 Edition

After a long, difficult year, we find ourselves here again in December.

It’s the holiday season, and so I want to give all of my fellow BBW lovers/aficionados a gift:

It’s time for the latest iteration of the Lust List.

What is the lust list, you may ask? I am glad to tell you.

In fact, I will quote myself from last year in italics. My comments from this year are in parentheses:

“[T}he compendium of women that, if I can be frank, make me light in the big head and heavy in the small one. Women that get the blood flowing south of the border. Women that I wouldn’t kick out of bed for eating crackers.

(Women that I wouldn’t kick out of bed for eating anything, now that I think about it.)

Okay, fine: Women in the adult industry that I would like to fuck. There. I said it bluntly and crassly.

(You’re welcome.)

The main rule (which I reserve the right to break) is that there is a one-time appearance limit, although it does not necessarily mean that my lust for previous women has abated.

(I put that in because, let’s face it, there’s a couple for sure that would never leave the list, and that isn’t fair to the newcomers. Maybe I’ll do a personal hall of fame at some point.)

It’s a dirty dozen this year, with twelve lucky ladies making the cut for this appearance. Some are newbies, some are veterans, but they are all top notch in my book. And on my screens. And in my dreams.

I need a towel.

And remember: The order is not by preference. The order is 100 percent randomized for your pleasure. This is not a ranking.

Without further ado, the Lust List for 2014:

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Fine line between Flirting and Thirsting?

Social media has been a wonderful tool in the 21st century. I’ve written before about the positives of the way that it allows fans of folks who work in the adult industry. It has been a boon.

One of the places I find myself struggling at times, though, is when it comes to compliments and innuendo. Again, a topic that I have espoused theories about in the past, so it’s slightly trodden ground.

But the place I am coming from today is the external perception that you can face from others if you go too far.

In other words, there is a fine line between flirty and thirsty.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Short Story: "Service Call"

It started with an innocent enough comment from someone on Twitter:

I of course had to respond:

@SammieSC2 Well...are you sure you HAVE to? Odds are he MIGHT be okay if you don't. I know I would be.
— Jayson Dean (@jaysonfdean) October 8, 2014

@SammieSC2 You might have inspired me to write a new short story. ;)
— Jayson Dean (@jaysonfdean) October 8, 2014

And so here is the story. If you like this story and want to see more that I've written, I have actually created a collection of my previous erotic shorts called "Three to Tango." It's available for your Amazon Kindle e-reader or if you have an Amazon app for your smartphone or tablet. You can purchase my book here.


Service Call

It was the last service call of the day for me, and what a day it had been. It was approaching 5pm and I had been working 10 hours straight. Apparently everyone’s air conditioning decided to go out today in the middle of an early fall heat spike. And when you live in Las Vegas, it’s easy for your air conditioning to get overworked and give up the ghost at any time—especially at inconvenient times.
I pulled up to the house, grabbed my clipboard and toolbox and hopped out of the truck. I double checked the address against my call sheet as I walked up to the front door and rang the bell. I stood there, waiting. Nobody came to the door. I rang the bell again, a little more impatiently this time.

I couldn’t believe my luck. “The perfect end to a hellish day,” I muttered to myself. All I wanted to do was go home, take a shower and have a beer and some dinner. I rang the bell one more time and knocked twice.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” I heard a voice say from behind the door. I looked down at my clipboard to check the name of the customer. The door opened a few seconds later.

“Hi, Miss Baker? I’m Quentin from Southern Nevada HVAC Repair. I’m here to check out your system….” I said. My voice trailed off as I looked up from my clipboard.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Brief Comment

The wonderful thing about attraction is that it is subjective. Despite the intentions of the mainstream media, there is no true objective standard of beauty. 

We all don't like the same thing. And that is perfectly okay. That's part of what allows for all of us to be happy-the chance to be with someone we are attracted to. 

The continual need by folks on Twitter and other social media to throw shade on others because of how they look is ludicrous. 

Your individual standard of beauty is not held as gospel by everyone else. Sorry, but that is the basic fact. Insults only serve to make the hurler of the insult look petty and small minded. 

If you come across someone who is not attractive to you, then just ignore them. Don't say anything. Just stop. Think. And realize that you cannot nor should not speak for everyone.