Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Does anyone have about $20,000 that they don't need? If so, I'll take it.

Yeah. Twenty grand.

If I was looking to get into the self-produced, high quality BBW porn industry, this is what I figured I would need as far as gear was concerned. All prices (except for the computers) are based on the price on as of today, Halloween 2012:

Three Sony HDR-FX7 cameras. High definition video. Integrated microphone. Three for multiple angles/camera people (if I decide to go that route). Price tag: $1,998 each ($5,994)

Three backup batteries for the videocameras. Never hurts to be prepared. $119.99 each ($359.97)

Nikon D5100 Camera. A digital SLR camera to take high resolution, high quality photos. $596.95

Nikon 44-300mm lens. $399.00

Nikon SB 400AF speedlight flash. $116.95

EasyFoto flash diffuser. $6.00

Amazon Basics remote for D5100. For those times when you have to be hands free because you're being hands on. $9.99

Nikon Battery ($39.95) and Nikon Charger ($44.95). Have to have backup just in case.

Gear Bag for Nikon camera and accessories. $19.99

Three Polaroid tripods for multiple angles (not just POV): $39.99 each ($119.97)

Photography kit with lighting umbrellas and background lights. If you've been in a hotel, you know the lighting sucks in those places. $84.00

SanDisk 16GB memory card for the digital camera. $17.49 each ($34.98)

Seagate 3TB external drive. Storage for the pictures/video. They have to live somewhere. $138.69.

With free shipping from, that brings the bill to $7964.79.

But if I have the tools to shoot this video, I need a computer to handle the editing duties. What better way than with a Mac. (And this is coming from a Windows guy).

So a Mac Pro Server from Apple runs $2,999.

Oh, and a screen is necessary, like the 27" cinema screen for $999.

Which brings the grand total up to $11,962.79.

So why am I asking for $20,000?

Well, the balance will be for human resources (i.e. actresses or other camera people) and for legal fees in getting paperwork filed and tests taken. At least for the first few shoots.

Alright. I'll hedge my bets and raise the seed money need up to $25,000.

Now that I look at it...this isn't that easy. Or cheap.

Unless I hit the jackpot, it looks like a pipe dream. I'm better off being a fan, huh?

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