Thursday, January 24, 2013

High Quality Hetero Porn with Fat Guys? Eureka!

With a name like BBW Pornucopia, I obviously focus on plus sized women in pornography, running the gamut from "Plumpers" to "Supersized BBWs." (By the way, I hate the labels game, but since it is what is used, we'll roll with it.)

However, I have mentioned from time to time that I find the lack of Big Handsome Men (aka Fat Dudes) in porn to be a little disturbing/depressing. At least, there is a lack of fat dudes in straight porn; obviously within gay porn there is the whole subgenre of chubs and bears, but that is a whole other point of discussion, and even so, there are not that many companies producing that kind of porn either.

Suffice to say, fat guys in porn is not a normal occurence. I've referred to it before, and even joked about starting my own company, but I don't want to totally beat a dead horse.

So when I was doing some surfing a few weeks ago, imagine my surprise when I came across something that Tim Von Swine (of Mike John Productions) has been working on for, apparently, a number of years. I believe that Tim has been using a couple of different names for it, alternately using "Whale Cam" or, as I came across it, "Swiney's Pigpen".

I'll let Von Swine explain it in his own words. This is from his blog posting in August 2012. (Hey, as I said before: I just came across this a few weeks ago.):

it’s sometimes w/top tier chicks, sometimes w/lesser knowns, some are total 1st timers or newbies, etc.. And these romps can come from pov shoots where I cut together the tri-pod footage, some are from photo-sets that I try & sell to Fox,(because they really dont buy all of them) and some are just shoots I put together w/chicks I know or trust me enough to show up and get banged out by me and sometimes my chubby partner in porno-crime Angus Maple. It’s always a sweaty, raunchy mess regardless of who shows up.

Let me state, for the record, that I am a huge fan of Tim Von Swine. Not just because he is a, well, bigger dude. I think he (and Mike John as well) do make good, honest porn. I feel like they get the best out of their performers (whether they are in the scene themselves or directing others). It seems like they have fun on the set and create an atmosphere where people are relaxed and having fun. Yes, I know—I'm not on the set, so I cannot say that that is what is occuring with certainty; it is only my impression as an outside observer/reviewer. Let me just say that I have never been disappointed in their work.

What I find interesting, though, is what Von Swine has to say about why there aren't normally guys that look like him (or me, to be fair) in porn:

All of this stuff was shot to bring about an honest and dirty approach to making xxx scenes w/plus sized dudes that didnt involve being a chump, or having food thrown all over the place or having to only bang some Euro granny that doesnt know any English other than ‘cum in mouth, yes?’.. Fuck that, I can lay a good one on these chicks when Im having a good day, and I realised that years ago, but it’s not like anyone is gonna hire chubby/beer-bellied guys for regular scenes. No way, people in xxx HATE guys like me and I’ll tell you why;..

Anytime a fat guy shows up to do something and pulls it off, people automatically assume that it cant be all that hard to do, because after all, he’s overweight and clearly cant be too skilled. And if he DOES pull it off, then he obviously had help, or knew some secrets, or some other miraculous way of figuring it out becasue fat guys only care about being lazy and possess zero talent...
So with all this in mind, Im moving forward w/my ‘Whale Cam’ endeavors for many selfish reasons obviously, but to also, and I really mean this, try and put on the map the first attempts at legitimising heavy set guys tearing apart xxx stars like no one else before. I doubt this will ever lead to any real doors opening for anyone, but hope it helps people make their own stuff because they know they can and that there’s no reason to be ashamed of being overweight and horny.

(Emphasis mine.)

Look, I've been reticient to even consider being in front of a camera. I don't quite know if I have the stamina, the ability or the aptitude to even attempt. I would need the opportunity, and I don't see it presenting itself anytime soon. To be frank, it is much easier doing what I do here—which is watch and appreciate.

But I did want to raise a virtual glass to toast Tim Von Swine for trying, damnit. Us fat guys have to stick together, after all. So do your part to support Tim Von Swine, and check out his work with Swiney's Pigpen.

You can view the scenes from this series. Go to and search "Swiney" or "Pigpen." Also, check out the Swiney's Pigpen twitter account: @SwineysPigpen.

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