Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Found "The Minion" site. I am now depressed

In my continuing series of thinking about fat guys in porn, I came across a site that gave me pause the other day.

The pic above comes from a site called, "The Minion."

Among the tag lines for the site is, "You're nobody till [sic] you've been fucked by him." "A hard banging pimp! He loves food as much as pussy."

Here's the main trailer for the site. Watch it and see for yourself:

I don't know how else to say it, but this site confirms a lot of my fears about how us big guys are portrayed in adult films.

We are comic relief. We're slobby, slovenly schlubs mainly interested in food. We are objects to be derided or physically assaulted because, hey, it's funny. Oh, and let's be misogynistic towards our co-stars because again, it's funny! Ha ha ha ha ha! Aren't you laughing?

I'm not.

We obviously cannot be desired because we're fat. We can't be viewed as sexy. Yeah, we might have a beautiful woman suck our cock, but it's only after a lot of other shit happens like food fights, smacking with sticks or getting shot with a garden hose.

I guess it's good to have a niche, and hey, he's shooting (or shot) these scenes. But why can't it be played straight instead of as a farce?

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